Red Quark

Created and maintained by@Anirudh Sharma
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Linked List

Have you ever wondered what makes a data structure a linked list? Is it the links? The list? Or perhaps the feeling of being lost in a sea of pointers? Well, fear not! In this and subsequent posts, w…

Abstract Data Types

Welcome to the exciting world of abstract data types (ADTs)! Think of them as a high-level blueprint for a data type that defines a specific set of operations that can be performed on that type. But …


Arrays are one of the most common data structures used in programming. An array is a collection of elements of the same type, arranged in contiguous memory locations. They are used to store and manip…

Bit Magic - Part 2

Hello fellow dvs 👋! This is the second part where we will see some cool tricks to solve problems using bit manipulation. You can find the first part here. In the first part, we saw some simple proble…

Bit Magic - Part 1

Howdy fellow devs 👋! Since we are in the field of making computer do our tasks, we know that computers don’t understand words and letters like we do. They only understand binary — a sequence of zeroe…

Day 08 - OSGi Components and Services

Hello fellow developers 👋! In this post, we will dive into the basic blocks of OSGi bundles — Components and Services (remember OSGi Components are different from AEM authoring component). Software M…

Day 07 - Sling Models

Howdy fellow developers 👋! In the last post, we learned the basics of HTL and clientlibs. Both HTL and clientlibs are responsible for rendering an AEM component on the frontend. But there are times w…

Day 06 - HTL and Clientlibs basics

Howdy fellow developers 👋. In the last post we created our first AEM component. There we discussed HTL in brief and our component did not have any styles. In this post, first we will dive into HTL ba…

Day 05 - Develop AEM Components and Templates

Howdy fellow developers 👋. In this post, we will finally get our hands dirty with code by creating components for pages and templates for creating pages. Before we begin, let’s see what are component…

Day 04 - Setup AEM Development Environment

Hola amigos/amigas 👋! So far in this AEM development series we have discussed the following questions — What is AEM? Why do we need AEM? What are the building blocks of AEM? … and a few more. In thi…